Love of Magic Wiki

Book 1[]


Arachnids are all about Poison, so it is vital to defeat them before they manage to fill up the board and deal more damage in an instant than you can heal. Since all poison effects ignore Shields your shield gems will be mostly useless, as will your own poison due to their inherent immunity.

Arachnid Guard[]

ArachnidGuard HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
120001500MidTier Immune to Poison
Min levelMax levelChallenge
301008 of Spades
Single Pair Poison2Full House Poison6
Two Pairs Poison2Four of a KindPoison6
Three of a KindPoison3Five of a KindPoison6
Straight Poison4Straight FlushPoison6
Flush Poison5Royal Flush Poison6

Arachnid Princess[]

ArachnidPrincess HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
200003000HighTier Immune to Poison
Min levelMax levelChallenge
4020010 of Spades
Single Pair Poison2Full House Poison6
Two Pairs Poison3Four of a KindPoison6
Three of a KindPoison3Five of a KindPoison6
Straight Poison4Straight FlushPoison7
Flush Poison5Royal Flush Poison7

Arachnid Queen[]

ArachnidQueen HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
300006000HighTier Immune to Poison
Min levelMax levelChallenge
601000J of Spades
Single Pair Poison3Full House Poison6
Two Pairs Poison4Four of a KindPoison6
Three of a KindPoison4Five of a KindPoison7
Straight Poison5Straight FlushPoison8
Flush Poison5Royal Flush Poison8


Fighting a Daemon is a race against the clock. Their passive Raging ability makes them deal more and more damage as the fight goes on. Note that this passive effect triggers even if the Daemon is stunned due to Lightning or needs to skip a turn to discard.

Daemon Knight[]

Knight2 HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
100001500MidTier Raging 10
Min levelMax levelChallenge
101008 of Spades
Single Pair Damage1Full House Fire4
Two Pairs Fire2 Four of a KindDamage4
Three of a KindDamage2Five of a KindFire5
Straight Fire3 Straight FlushDamage5
Flush Damage3Royal Flush Fire6

Daemon Lord[]

Lord2 HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
150003000HighTier Raging 25
Min levelMax levelChallenge
202009 of Spades
Single Pair Damage2Full House Fire6
Two Pairs Fire3 Four of a KindDamage6
Three of a KindDamage4Five of a KindCluster6
Straight Fire5 Straight FlushDamage7
Flush Damage5Royal Flush Fire7

Daemon Prince[]

Prince2 HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
200004500HighTier Raging 40
Min levelMax levelChallenge
20J of Spades
Single Pair Damage2Full House Fire6
Two Pairs Fire3 Four of a KindCluster6
Three of a KindDamage4Five of a KindFire7
Straight Fire5 Straight FlushDamage8
Flush Damage5Royal Flush Fire8


Defiler HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
0122 of Clubs
Single Pair Fire1 Full House Damage5
Two Pairs Damage2Four of a KindDamage5
Three of a KindDamage2Five of a KindDamage5
Straight Damage4Straight FlushDamage5
Flush Damage5Royal Flush Damage5


Using a combination of Ice and straight-up damage, Draugrs are more annoying than they are a threat.

Draugr Grunt[]

DraugrGrunt HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
0123 of Diamonds
Single Pair Ice1 Full House Damage3
Two Pairs Damage2Four of a KindIce3
Three of a KindIce2 Five of a KindDamage3
Straight Damage2Straight FlushIce3
Flush Ice2 Royal Flush Damage5

Draugr Knight[]

DraugrKnight HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
10254 of Diamonds
Single Pair Ice1 Full House Damage4
Two Pairs Damage2Four of a KindIce4
Three of a KindIce2 Five of a KindDamage5
Straight Damage3Straight FlushIce5
Flush Ice3 Royal Flush Damage7

Draugr Lord[]

DraugrLord HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
101006 of Diamonds
Single Pair Ice2 Full House Damage5
Two Pairs Damage3Four of a KindIce5
Three of a KindIce4 Five of a KindDamage6
Straight Damage5Straight FlushIce6
Flush Ice5 Royal Flush Damage8

Fire Elemental[]

Does exactly what it says on the box. Fire Elementals will keep stacking more and more Fire on you, so the sooner you dispatch them, the better.

Fire Elemental Grunt[]

FireElementalGrunt HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
20001000FireElemental1 Immune to Fire
Min levelMax levelChallenge
0123 of Diamonds
Single Pair Fire1Full House Fire3
Two Pairs Fire2Four of a KindFire4
Three of a KindFire2Five of a KindFire4
Straight Fire3Straight FlushFire4
Flush Fire3Royal Flush Fire4

Fire Elemental Knight[]

FireElementalKnight HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
50002000FireElemental1 Immune to Fire
Min levelMax levelChallenge
101004 of Diamonds
Single Pair Fire2Full House Fire4
Two Pairs Fire3Four of a KindFire4
Three of a KindFire4Five of a KindFire5
Straight Fire4Straight FlushFire5
Flush Fire4Royal Flush Fire5

Fire Elemental Lord[]

FireElementalLord HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
10005005000FireElemental2 Immune to Fire
Min levelMax levelChallenge
156 of Diamonds
Single Pair Fire2Full House Fire7
Two Pairs Fire3Four of a KindFire7
Three of a KindFire4Five of a KindFire8
Straight Fire5Straight FlushFire8
Flush Fire6Royal Flush Fire8


Guardians are golems, mechanical sentries specifically designed to counter the abilities of Enchanters. Between their Pierce gems and immunities to Fire, Ice and Poison they can surprise the unprepared.

Bronze Guardian Mk I[]

BronzeMarkI HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
120001200GolemTable Immune to Fire
Immune to Ice
Immune to Poison
Min levelMax levelChallenge
201004 of Spades
Single Pair Pierce2Full House Pierce6
Two Pairs Cluster3Four of a KindPierce7
Three of a KindPierce3Five of a Kind Pierce7
Straight Pierce4Straight Flush Pierce8
Flush Pierce5Royal Flush Pierce8

Bronze Guardian Mk II[]

BronzeMarkII HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
180002250GolemTable Immune to Fire
Immune to Ice
Immune to Poison
Min levelMax levelChallenge
302005 of Spades
Single Pair Pierce2Full House Pierce6
Two Pairs Cluster3Four of a KindPierce7
Three of a KindPierce3Five of a Kind Pierce7
Straight Pierce4Straight Flush Pierce8
Flush Pierce5Royal Flush Pierce8

Forge Guardian Mk I[]

ForgeMarkI HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
250004500GolemTable Immune to Fire
Immune to Ice
Immune to Poison
Min levelMax levelChallenge
403006 of Spades
Single Pair Pierce2Full House Fire7
Two Pairs Cluster3Four of a KindPierce7
Three of a KindPierce3Five of a Kind Pierce7
Straight Fire6Straight Flush Pierce8
Flush Pierce5Royal Flush Fire8

Forge Guardian Mk II[]

ForgeMarkII HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
500006000GolemTable Immune to Fire
Immune to Ice
Immune to Poison
Min levelMax levelChallenge
506007 of Spades
Single Pair Pierce2Full House Fire7
Two Pairs Cluster3Four of a KindPierce7
Three of a KindPierce3Five of a Kind Pierce7
Straight Fire6Straight Flush Pierce8
Flush Pierce5Royal Flush Fire8

Steel Guardian Mk I[]

SteelMarkI HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
800009000GolemTable2 Immune to Fire
Immune to Ice
Immune to Poison
Min levelMax levelChallenge
6020010 of Spades
Single Pair Shield4Full House Pierce7
Two Pairs Pierce5Four of a KindShield7
Three of a KindPierce5Five of a KindPierce8
Straight Pierce6Straight FlushShield8
Flush Shield6Royal Flush Shield8

Steel Guardian Mk II[]

SteelMarkII HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
12000012000GolemTable2 Immune to Fire
Immune to Ice
Immune to Poison
Min levelMax levelChallenge
60200J of Spades
Single Pair Shield4Full House Pierce7
Two Pairs Pierce5Four of a KindShield7
Three of a KindPierce5Five of a KindPierce8
Straight Pierce6Straight FlushShield8
Flush Shield6Royal Flush Shield8


Someone accidentally left details on players' favorite gem setup in Elsewhere, and Hellions were quick to adopt it. Using a combination of Rage and Cluster with some Shield for good measure, it doesn't take much for a Hellion to send even high level player characters running back home crying for Chloe.

Using Ice to contain a Hellion is a surprisingly effective, albeit slow, tactic.

Hellion Guard[]

HellionGuard HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
40908 of Clubs
Single Pair Cluster2Full House Cluster6
Two Pairs Damage4Four of a Kind Cluster7
Three of a KindCluster5Five of a KindRage7
Straight Rage5Straight Flush Cluster7
Flush Rage6Royal Flush Cluster7

Hellion Lieutenant[]

HellionLieutenant HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
4012010 of Clubs
BaseCluster 1?
Single Pair Shield4Full House Rage6
Two Pairs Shield5Four of a KindRage7
Three of a KindShield5Five of a KindRage7
Straight Rage5Straight Flush Rage7
Flush Rage6Royal Flush Rage7

Hellion Captain[]

HellionCaptain HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
45200J of Clubs
BaseCluster 2
Single Pair Cluster2Full House Rage6
Two Pairs Cluster3Four of a KindRage7
Three of a KindCluster5Five of a KindRage7
Straight Rage5Straight Flush Cluster8
Flush Rage6Royal Flush Rage8

Ice Elemental[]

Ice Elementals use Ice to reduce your base damage, in some cases to the point where you no longer deal any damage whatsoever. Use Cluster gems to dispel the effect or go with either Fire or Poison to ignore it.

Ice Elemental Grunt[]

IceElementalGrunt HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
40001200IceElemental1 Immune to Ice
Min levelMax levelChallenge
0123 of Diamonds
Single Pair Ice1Full House Ice3
Two Pairs Ice2Four of a KindIce4
Three of a KindIce2Five of a KindIce4
Straight Ice3Straight FlushIce4
Flush Ice3Royal Flush Ice4

Ice Elemental Knight[]

IceElementalKnight HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
60002400IceElemental1 Immune to Ice
Min levelMax levelChallenge
101004 of Diamonds
Single Pair Ice2Full House Ice4
Two Pairs Ice3Four of a KindIce4
Three of a KindIce4Five of a KindIce5
Straight Ice4Straight FlushIce5
Flush Ice4Royal Flush Ice5

Ice Elemental Lord[]

IceLord HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
9005003600IceElemental2 Immune to Ice
Min levelMax levelChallenge
151006 of Diamonds
Single Pair Ice2Full House Ice7
Two Pairs Ice3Four of a KindIce7
Three of a KindIce4Five of a KindIce8
Straight Ice5Straight FlushIce8
Flush Ice6Royal Flush Ice8


Minotaurs are big, strong, smelly and they like to hit you. Repeatedly. Using almost exclusively Damage gems a Minotaur poses a Serious threat to a low-level player character, particularly since even with just a Single Pair or Two Pairs hand they deal significant damage.

Minotaur Knight[]

MinotaurKnight HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
101003 of Spades
Single Pair Damage3Full House Damage4
Two Pairs Damage3Four of a KindDamage4
Three of a KindDamage4Five of a KindDamage5
Straight Damage4Straight FlushDamage5
Flush Damage4Royal Flush Damage5

Minotaur Lord[]

MinotaurLord HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
105 of Spades
Single Pair Damage3Full House Damage7
Two Pairs Damage3Four of a KindDamage7
Three of a KindDamage4Five of a KindDamage7
Straight Poison5Straight FlushDamage7
Flush Damage6Royal Flush Damage7


Tentakun HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
0103 of Spades
Single Pair Damage1Full House Poison4
Two Pairs Damage2Four of a KindPoison5
Three of a KindPoison1Five of a KindPoison6
Straight Poison2Straight FlushPoison7
Flush Poison3Royal Flush Poison8


Wraith Grunt[]

WraithGrunt HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
0123 of Hearts
Single Pair Damage1Full House Damage4
Two Pairs Damage2Four of a KindDamage4
Three of a KindDamage2Five of a KindDamage4
Straight Damage3Straight FlushDamage4
Flush Damage3Royal Flush Damage4

Wraith Knight[]

WraithLord HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
10253 of Hearts
Single Pair Ice2Full House Damage5
Two Pairs Damage3Four of a KindIce5
Three of a KindIce4Five of a Kind Damage6
Straight Damage5Straight FlushIce6
Flush Ice5Royal Flush Damage8

Book 2[]

Chort Daemons[]

Level 80+

Chort Soldier[]

Chort soldier HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
1500002500High Tier
Min levelMax levelChallenge
6010000Jack of Spades
BaseShield 6
Single Pair Poison 7Full House Shield 7
Two Pairs Shield 6 Four of a KindPoison 8
Three of a KindPoison 7Five of a Kind Shield 8
Straight Shield 7Straight FlushPoison 9
Flush Poison 7 Royal Flush Shield 9

Chort Knight[]

Chort night HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
20000 010000High Tier
Min levelMax levelChallenge
6010000Queen of Spades
Single Pair Shield 5 Full House Pierce 8
Two Pairs Pierce 6 Four of a KindShield 8
Three of a KindShield 6 Five of a Kind Pierce 8
Straight Pierce 7 Straight FlushShield 9
Flush Shield 7 Royal Flush Pierce 9

Chort Lord[]

Chort Lord HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
25000020000High Tier Immune to Lightning
Min levelMax levelChallenge
6010000King of Spades
Single Pair Cluster 6Full House Cluster 7
Two Pairs Cluster 6Four of a KindRage 6
Three of a KindCluster 6Five of a Kind Rage 7
Straight Cluster 6 Straight FlushRage 8
Flush Cluster 7Royal Flush Rage 9

Deep Dwellers[]

Level 90+

Deep Dweller Soldier[]

Deep dweller soldier HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
25000 03000High Tier
Min levelMax levelChallenge
9010000Jack of Spades
BaseShield 6
Single Pair Poison 7 Full House Shield 7
Two Pairs Shield 6Four of a KindPoison 8
Three of a KindPoison 7 Five of a Kind Shield 8
Straight Shield 7 Straight FlushPoison 9
Flush Poison 7 Royal Flush Shield 9

Deep Dweller Knight[]

Deep dweller knight HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
35000 03000High Tier
Min levelMax levelChallenge
9010000Queen of Spades
Single Pair Shield 5Full House Pierce 8
Two Pairs Pierce 6 Four of a KindShield 8
Three of a KindShield 6 Five of a Kind PIerce 8
Straight Pierce 7 Straight FlushShield 9
Flush Shield 7 Royal Flush Pierce 9
Level 100+

Deep Dweller Fire Lord[]

Deep dweller fire lord HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
50000 999915000High Tier Immune to fire

Raging IV (+75 rage)

Shield X (9999)

Immune to Lighting


Starts with 75 Rage

Min levelMax levelChallenge
10010000King of Spades
Single Pair Fire 7 Full House Fire 8
Two Pairs Fire 7 Four of a KindFire 8
Three of a KindFire 8Five of a Kind Fire 9
Straight Fire 8Straight FlushFire 9
Flush Fire 8Royal Flush Fire 9

Deep Dweller Ice Lord[]

Deep dweller ice lord HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
50000 999915000High Tier Immune to Ice

Raging IV


Immune to Lightning

Min levelMax levelChallenge
10010000King of Spades
Single Pair Ice 7 Full House Ice 8
Two Pairs Ice 7 Four of a KindIce 8
Three of a KindIce 8 Five of a Kind Ice 9
Straight Ice 8 Straight FlushIce 9
Flush Ice 8 Royal Flush Ice 9

Deep Dweller Toxic Lord[]

Deep dweller toxic lord HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
50000 999915000High Tier Immune to poison

Raging IV

Shield X

Immune to Lightning

Min levelMax levelChallenge
10010000King of Spades
Single Pair Poison 7 Full House Poison 8
Two Pairs Shield 5Four of a KindPoison 8
Three of a KindShield 8Five of a Kind Poison 9
Straight Shield 8 Straight FlushPoison 9
Flush Poison 8 Royal Flush Toxic Shock


Cambion Warlock[]

Cambion warlock HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
600007500High Tier First Strike
Min levelMax levelChallenge
??9 of Diamonds
Single Pair Damage2Full House Fire6
Two Pairs Fire3Four of a KindCluster6
Three of a KindDamage4Five of a Kind Fire7
Straight Fire5Straight FlushDamage8
Flush Damage5Royal Flush Fire8

Cambion Assassin[]

Cambion assasin HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
9000 010500 High Tier First Strike




Min levelMax levelChallenge
2520010 of Diamonds
BaseFire 1
Single Pair Damage2Full House Fire6
Two Pairs Fire3Four of a KindCluster6
Three of a KindDamage4Five of a Kind Fire7
Straight Fire5Straight FlushDamage8
Flush Damage5Royal Flush Fire8



Teased. Not yet in game.
Little is known at this point about Outsider combat. These may all be scripted fights or they may become available on the paths.

The following Outsider actions during combat have been teased:
public enum OutsiderAction { Wait, Attack, HellBeam, Recharge, Boost, Discard, Heal }

Outsider early HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
100000500?? Planning Something: Reality Ripples and changes around you.

Preparing a big Attack: Hellbeam

Recharging the Shield: Nothing

Will attack for ### points: Will inflict stated damage.

Next attack (not current round) will do #x damage:

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Single Pair N/AFull House N/A
Two Pairs N/A Four of a KindN/A
Three of a KindN/A Five of a Kind N/A
Straight N/A Straight FlushN/A
Flush N/A Royal Flush N/A

Princes of the Abyss[]


One of the Quaternary. The Prince of Fire.

Samael is only encountered as part of the Treasure Hunt quest.

He has 50,000 HP on normal (225,000 on Ultra), is immune to fire, gains 75 rage/turn, and cleanses negative status effects on himself every other turn.

It is not required to fight him, however if you play a 'friendly little game of cards' the option is there. You receive the quest rewards regardless.

Simple approach: X keep barricade up, and everything else dedicated to damage (including X when you have several stacks of barricade)

HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
  • RavingIV: Gains 75 Rage/turn.
  • ImmuneToFire: Immune to Fire damage.
  • Cleanse: Cleanses any negative status effects every other turn.
  • ShieldIII: 500 Shield
Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Fire 4
Single Pair Fire 5Full House Fire 7
Two Pairs Fire 5Four of a KindFire 8
Three of a KindFire 6Five of a Kind Fire 8
Straight Fire 6Straight FlushFire 9
Flush Fire 7Royal Flush FireStorm

Necromancer Creations[]


Ammit gains power from every dead devoured adding their strength and abilities to its own without known limit. It is reliant on a special summoning grid, at least initially.

HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
500000N/AN/A Immune to Poison

Immune to Lightning

Raging V


Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Damage 8
Single Pair Ice 8Full House Bite 8
Two Pairs Lightning 8Four of a KindCluster 8
Three of a KindPierce 8 Five of a Kind Ice 8
Straight Rage 8Straight FlushDamage 8
Flush Shield 8Royal Flush Fire 8

Lich Pack[]

After defeating the Ammit, you can choose to continue fighting and will be presented with a pack of liches to fight with only Cu as your companion.

Lich Pack
HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
250000n/a Immune to Lightning

Immune to Poison

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Single Pair Poison 4Full House
Two Pairs Damage 5Four of a Kind
Three of a KindPoison 6 Five of a Kind
Straight Poison 6Straight Flush
Flush Poison 7 Royal Flush

Book 3[]

Known Auras[]

Enemy Aura Applied
Bronze Guardian MK II Enemies start with 50 shields
Forge Guardian MK I Enemies start with 100 shields
Forge Guardian MK II Enemies start with 100 shields
Steel Guardian MK I Enemies start with 200 shields
Arachnid Guard You start with 50 Poison applied
Cambian Assassin Enemies have first strike
Lich Army Enemies start with 50 raging
Cambion Warlock None
Hellion Guard None
Hellion Lieutenant None
Hellion Captain None
Defiler None
Daemon None
Daemon Prince None
Chort Soldier None
Chort Knight None
Chort Lord None


The Djinn is a random Book 3 encounter on the paths. The MC believes it is one of the 'Greater Powers'

Note: Although you can defeat the Djinn in combat, it is 'immortal' and will return.

Djinn HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
10000500?Drops Fire 9 Cleanse - Every two turns,

clears all negative effects from self.

Immune to Fire

Raging - Gain 75 rage at end of turn

Starts with 75 Rage

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Rage 4
Single Pair Fire 5Full House Fire 9
Two Pairs Fire 6Four of a KindFireStorm
Three of a KindFire 7Five of a KindShield 9
Straight Fire 8Straight FlushShield 9
Flush Fire 8Royal Flush Shield 9


Fenrir HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
4500009999?Drops Berserker Immune to Lighting

Starts with 9999 Shields

Starts with Raging (+100 rage at end of turn)

Starts with 247 Rage

7% block

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Cluster 7
Single Pair Pierce 7Full House Cluster 9
Two Pairs BerserkerFour of a KindPierce 9
Three of a KindPierce 9Five of a KindRage 9
Straight Cluster 9Straight FlushBerserker
Flush Rage 9Royal Flush Cluster Strike

If you attempt to avoid combat there is a RAGE check. If your rage is at least 100 you will get the gem. If it is less you lose the opportunity.

If you defeat (or have enough rage and avoid combat with) Fenrir this will start Wolf Quest


Jormungandr HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
9000009999?Drops VenomStrike Immune to Lighting

Immune to Poison

Starts with 9999 Shields

Starts with 167 Rage

Every 2 turns clears all status effects from self.

Blocks 7% of all damage

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Poison 9
Single Pair Poison 9Full House Poison 9
Two Pairs Poison 9Four of a KindVenomStrike
Three of a KindPoison 9Five of a KindToxic Shock
Straight Poison 9Straight FlushVenomStrike
Flush Poison 9Royal Flush Toxic Shock

If you attempt to avoid combat there is a RAGE check. If your rage is at least 150 you will get the gem. If it is less you lose the opportunity.

If you defeat (or have enough rage and avoid combat with) Jormugandr he tell you to find his Sister in the mountains to the east in your true reality.

Eyeless Grunt (34-90)

Licharmy HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
20000?? Adds 50 rage after each turn

Immune to lightning.

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Damage2
Single Pair Fire3Full House Poison 8
Two Pairs Damage4Four of a KindDamage 8
Three of a KindFire 5Five of a KindFire 8
Straight Lightning 6Straight FlushDamage 8
Flush Fire 7Royal Flush ?

Eyeless Knight (40-100)

Licharmy HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
20000?? Adds 50 rage after each turn

Immune to lightning.

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Damage2
Single Pair Fire3Full House Poison 8
Two Pairs Damage4Four of a KindDamage 8
Three of a KindFire 5Five of a KindFire 8
Straight Lightning 6Straight FlushDamage 8
Flush Fire 7Royal Flush ?

Eyeless Lord (50+)

Licharmy HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
20000?? Adds 50 rage after each turn

Immune to lightning.

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Damage2
Single Pair Fire3Full House Poison 8
Two Pairs Damage4Four of a KindDamage 8
Three of a KindFire 5Five of a KindFire 8
Straight Lightning 6Straight FlushDamage 8
Flush Fire 7Royal Flush ?

Hellion Warparty (90+)

Licharmy HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
20000?? Adds 50 rage after each turn

Immune to lightning.

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Damage2
Single Pair Fire3Full House Poison 8
Two Pairs Damage4Four of a KindDamage 8
Three of a KindFire 5Five of a KindFire 8
Straight Lightning 6Straight FlushDamage 8
Flush Fire 7Royal Flush ?

Deepdweller Tribe (90+)

Licharmy HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
20000?? Adds 50 rage after each turn

Immune to lightning.

Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Damage2
Single Pair Fire3Full House Poison 8
Two Pairs Damage4Four of a KindDamage 8
Three of a KindFire 5Five of a KindFire 8
Straight Lightning 6Straight FlushDamage 8
Flush Fire 7Royal Flush ?

Chort Warband[]

Chortwarband HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
200005006000 Starts with 500 Shield

Starts with 75 Rage Raging +75 Rage at the end of turn.

Min levelMax levelChallenge
90+?Ace of Spades
Base (none)Damage 5
Single Pair Fire 3Full House Poison 8
Two Pairs Damage 6Four of a KindDamage 8
Three of a KindDamage 8Five of a KindRage 8
Straight Damage 8Straight FlushCluster 8
Flush Rage 8Royal Flush Cluster 8

Lich Army[]

Licharmy HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
200008000 Immune to Lightning

Starts with 50 Raging. Starts with 50 Rage

Min levelMax levelChallenge
90+?Ace of Hearts
Base (none)
Single Pair Fire 3Full House
Two Pairs Damage 6Four of a Kind
Three of a KindDamage 8Five of a Kind
Straight Damage 8Straight Flush
Flush Rage 8Royal Flush


Deepdwellers HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
Min levelMax levelChallenge
Base (none)Fire 5
Single Pair Fire 5Full House Fire 7
Two Pairs Fire 6Four of a KindFire 8
Three of a KindFire 6Five of a KindFire 8
Straight Fire 6Straight FlushFire 8
Flush Fire 7Royal Flush ?

Hellion Warparty

Hellionwarparty HitpointsShieldsXPLoot tableSpecial
2000050015000 Raging - Gain 25 Rage at end of turn.

Starts with 500 Shields. Strikes First

25 Rage
Min levelMax levelChallenge
??K of Spades
BaseCluster 5
Single Pair Cluster 6Full House Rage8
Two Pairs Cluster 6Four of a KindRage8
Three of a KindCluster 6Five of a KindRage8
Straight Damage 8Straight Flush Rage8
Flush Rage Royal Flush Rage8