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Theevoker II

Book 2 - Story/Slice of Life Events[]

Act VII: We March
Act VIII: Red Devil
Act IX: The Army of Life
Act X: Destroyer of Hope
Act XI: The Black Sun

Additional Information on Quests and Kingdom Events:

Book 2 - Quests
Book 2 - Kingdom Events

Optimal Path[]

This is not it. This is just a path through the game. You can do things in different orders, prioritize different builds and events, and otherwise do things an effectively infinite number of different ways. This path will attempt to finish out all quests and kingdom events and get you as many 'scenes' as possible. It is a perfectly acceptable playthrough path, but it is not min-maxed in any particular way.


In Book 2, the walkthrough arrangement changes. The new structure attempts to address the recurring requests for a more traditional 'walkthrough'

This walkthrough assumes you wish to experience as much content as possible as early as practicable. Many or most of the optional scenes would be ignored if attempting to maximize stats. It is not possible to see all content or get all achievements in a single run but you can get all the major side stories and most scenes.

Periods of time that are scripted/required are in bold. Periods that are labeled "Open" are opportunities to build your character by exploring on the paths, reading, meditating, training, eating, drinking, playing with a baby dragon, etc.


At several points, you will need money to expand the King's Dragon. Those KD expansions are needed to advance many quests. Sources of cash are described in Book 2 - Kingdom Events. You can avoid delays by making sure you have at least:

  • £1000 on Day 126
  • £4000 on Day 133
  • £4000 on Day 140

Act VII - We March[]

Act VII, Day 116

  • Night, Private Library: Talk to Olivia.
  • Night, Crowley: Talk to Chloe & work as a bouncer for an explanation of falling Cambions, talk with Scholar.
  • Late Night, Computer: The OS will be upgraded. (The upgrade looks ransomware-ish.)
  • Late Night, Computer/DressXpress: (After upgrade) Some new images of Kath. Buy outfit for Chloe (-£100)

Act VII, Day 117

(Note - you can either Call Jenny OR do the shower scene with Chloe next as both consume time. Recommend Jenny Scene. You can do the Chloe shower scene your first free Night after day 119 at your convenience.)

  • Night, Computer/Facial: (if you just got her facial password). Give Jenny A call for a scene. (Progresses time)

Act VII, Day 118

  • (Scripted Morning), Camelot Bedroom: Talk to Emily. Watch the news. Call Valerie Raine. Progresses Quest: The Grand Alliance. Gain access to Elsewhere.
  • (Scripted Evening) Map: Go to Camelot. Start Quest A Home for the Chosen. Location Added: Camelot Library.
  • (Scripted Evening) Talk to Anton: Name Pendragon Enterprises. Military Points +10. Start Quest Arms Dealer.
  • Night, Camelot Library: Talk to Dylan and grab your first book from him. (Next visit to Library is CHR+1, and after that you can read in the library and trade out books periodically.)
  • Night, King's Dragon: Talk to Molly - "Molly, I need something from you" to progress Arms Dealer.
  • Late Night. Visit Pendragon Enterprises ("Prime Gate" on Camelot map) TWICE. Talk to Anton. INT+2. Leave and return.Talk to Anton again. Laptop now available.

Act VII, Day 119

  • Morning, Camelot Bedroom: Short conversation with Emily on things you can do.
  • Morning: Go to Elsewhere with JUST Molly. Map: Go to the "Dark Mansion" northeast of Camelot to Progress Arms Dealer.
  • Evening: Open - Paths (Be sure to add companions first!), Read, Drink, or Talk to Dylan (Library)
  • Night, Computer/Facial: If you gave Jenny a call on day 117, call her on Facial for a scene, then wait 2 days for the next one.
  • Late Night, Computer/Demonfox: Buy item for Jenny. (-£100)

Act VII, Day 120

  • Morning, Camelot Bedroom: Conversation with Emily. Castrum Prime opened for Gym (use until you get the Dojo).
  • Morning, Edinburgh Lecture Theater (Booker visible on location chooser): Talk to Booker. Choose: "It's... different. Like being teleported back in time."
    • WHY? There are two choices from Booker the first time. The recommended option enables the Kingdom Events menu in the great hall.
    • Choice: "It's... different. Like being teleported back in time." This enables the KE interface in Camelot Main Hall and Enables the first KE "Honour Guard"
    • Choice: "It's Good to be King" gives INT+2. [Note: If you come back a second time this will be the only choice.]
    • Each future visit (after the first two) to Booker in the morning is worth INT+1.
  • Evening, Bookstore: Talk to Diana. She will tell you to come back in a couple of days (no time consumed). Click Diana AGAIN (or leave bookstore and come back.) Go through dialog and pick up Aleister Crowley's Book of the Winter Child (-£100) (consumes time). Note - You can only read this book in Starcucks in Edinburgh.
  • Night, Crowley: Talk to Chloe and pick up the gift for Jenny.
  • Night, Camelot Bathroom: Shower. Snowdrop forms the Royal Camelot Scouts. Starts Quest In Alis Vicimus

Act VII, Day 121

  • (Scripted Morning-Evening) Go with Emily to meet the American Ambassador. STR+5 or CHR+5, Power+1 (Note: this means you can adjust all gems down one slot. Rework your gems accordingly.) Military Points +10

Act VII, Day 122

  • Morning, Great Hall: Talk to Emily, then click Kingdom Events. This is a choice. Honour Guard (-100 RP, 7 days) Gives a nice MP boost. Fistful of Bullets (-50 RP, 7 days), is required for a bunch of other content including Orcs and Warthog. Recommend Fistful of Bullets first to open content asap.
  • Morning, Round Table (Matthew visible on location chooser): Talk to Matthew and ask him to join you on the paths.
  • Morning, Elsewhere: Take ONLY Molly on the paths to Dark Mansion. Talk to Schwartalf. Enables KE Limited Protection.
  • Morning, Lecture Theater: Talk to Booker (INT+2).
  • Evening, Starcucks: Visit Jenny. Give her the present. Read a book (Recommend Aleister's since you are here).
  • Night, Crowley: Drink at the bar. "You spot Diana entering the pub." Bibliomancer Lore.

Act VII, Day 123

  • Morning: Open.
  • Evening, Camelot Library. Talk to Dylan (CHR+1).
  • Night, Computer/Facial: Call Jenny for a scene.
  • Late Night, The King's Dragon: Talk to Molly for a scene: "I know... I couldn't talk to you with all the other people here." NOTE: This is a REPEATABLE Late Night scene.

Act VII, Day 124

Act VII, Day 125

  • Morning, Camelot Bedroom: Emily is troubled by rumors and gossip.
  • Morning, Elsewhere: Visit Gem Collector (Human on the paths). His gems cost Realm Points (RP), which you will need for upcoming Kingdom Events, but if you tackle those events in the order recommended here, you can afford to buy one gem now. Progresses: A World Apart.
  • Morning: Open (you now have Old Paths, Spider Nest, Guardian Training, and Daemon Haunts to chose from.)
  • Evening, Great Hall: Talk to Emily and then access Kingdom Events:
  • Evening, King's Dragon (Akane visible on location chooser): Deal with Emily's rumor problem (Unlocks Cardback: The Queen of Camelot)
  • Night, Crowley Shower: Take a shower for Chloe scene. Card Unlocked: Biker Girl.

Act VII, Day 126

  • First Expansion of King's Dragon completes.
  • Morning, King's Dragon: talk to Akane. Progresses A Home for the Chosen. New Location Open (Recommended/assumed to be Dojo set in Book 1). Begin using the expansion immediately for associated scenes.
  • Morning, Dojo: Visit Dojo for initial dialogs. Progresses A Home for the Chosen.
  • Evening, King's Dragon: Talk to Molly to order the next expansion (Tea Room) (-£1000). Note - If you do not have sufficient funds you will not see the option to purchase the next expansion. Progresses A Home for the Chosen.
  • Evening: Open.
  • Night, Computer/Facial: Unknown Caller on Facial. (Truth=STR+1, Do Your Thing=CHR+1 Hang up=No Effect.)
  • Late Night, Dojo: (Requires Dojo) Akane is dancing in the Dojo.
  • Late Night, Dojo (leave and return - Requires Dojo): Ceremonial Magic practice scene with Molly and Akane.

Act VII, Day 127

  • Morning, Camelot Bedroom: Emily reminds you of the delegation from Tir na nOg arriving that afternoon.
  • Morning. Open.
  • (Scripted Evening) Return to the Great Hall to meet the Emissary. Progresses The Grand Alliance.
  • Night, Kings Dragon: Grab a beer. The Musician (wink wink nudge nudge guy) drops by your table. Don't run him off. He will sell you a map to a mermaid in Elsewhere for £100 that starts the quest "The Little Mermaid." (If you run him off he indicates you can meet him again at the Grass Market if you change your mind later.)
  • Late Night, Elsewhere: REMOVE all companions. "Mysterious Location" will be visible to the northeast of Camelot. Go there to talk with Melusine and complete quest "The Little Mermaid." Achievement: Not So Little Mermaid

Act VII, Day 128

  • Morning, Great Hall: Talk to Emily (+100 RP). You can now chose from Honour Guard or Limited Protection, however neither of these is available just yet due to Treasures of Malgraleth and Fistful of Bullets being in progress.
  • Morning. Starcucks: Visit Jenny. Discuss collars. (Remember you can only read Aleister's book in Starcucks.)
  • Evening, Crowley: Talk to Chloe. Buy a bottle of whiskey to progress quest Lancaster. (-£300 - Bottles have slightly different dialog associated.)
  • Evening. Computer/Demonfox. Customize and purchase a collar for Jenny. (-£500)
  • Evening: Open.
  • Night: Open.

Act VII, Day 129

  • (Scripted Morning) Visit Merlin's Tower. New Location Opened: Merlin's Tower. New Kingdom Event available Merlin's Legacy. New Quest: 'VCR' started. Military Points +10.
  • Evening, Great Hall: Kingdom Events
  • Night: Open.

Act VII, Day 130

  • Morning, Great Hall: Conversation with Emily. Volunteers for the Army. Military Points +10.
  • Morning, Great Hall. Talk to Emily. Kingdom Events:
  • Morning: Open.
  • Evening, Crowley: Talk to Chloe. Pick up Collar for Jenny.
  • Evening, Crowley: Drink. Select "You spot a familiar face entering the pub: the Scholar." Meet Greg. Enables Kingdom Event "For the Horde" Achievement: Dark Lord of the Horde.
  • Night, Crowley: Drink. Select "Chloe Saunters over a smile on her face" to watch Olivia Smith on TV.

Act VII, Day 131

  • Morning, Merlin's Tower: Talk to Merlin (STR+1 or CHR+1).
  • Evening, Merlin's Tower: "Let's see if there's anything I can learn about the Glade..." Progresses VCR.
  • Night, Merlin's Tower: "I should do some more digging into the Gate at the Glade." Progresses VCR.

Act VII, Day 132

  • (Scripted Morning) Katie calls you to Lancaster.
  • Map: Go to Lancaster. Ricky expresses his opinion of royals. Talk to Katie. Fia becomes available for Elsewhere runs. Enables Emily's Kingdom Event "Warthog go brrrrrrpt."
  • Map: Go to Camelot.
  • Evening, Great Hall: Kingdom Events:
  • Evening, Merlin's Tower: "It's time to dig a little deeper..." Progresses VCR. Enables Anton's Kingdom Event: Anger Issues.
  • Night, Starcucks: Give Jenny her present. (Reminder - you can only read Aleister's book at Starcucks.)
  • Late Night. Computer/DxP: Get Jenny an outfit to celebrate her collar (-£250).

Act VII, Day 133

  • Morning, King's Dragon (Akane visible on location chooser): Talk to Akane. If you were able to purchase expansions on time,[1] the 2nd Expansion, which should be the Tea House, will complete in KD. New location available: Tea House.
  • Morning, Tea House: Talk to Akane. A Home for the Chosen progresses.
  • Evening, King's Dragon: Talk to Molly. Provide her cash (-£4000) for the next expansion (Outdoor Bath - 'Onsen' recommended). A Home for the Chosen progresses. Note - If you do not have sufficient funds you will not see the option to purchase the next expansion.
  • Evening, Crowley: Talk to Chloe, Pick up Jenny's gift.
  • Evening, Starcucks: Talk to Jenny and give her her outfit. (Reminder you can only read Aleister's book in Starcucks.)
  • Night. King's Dragon. Grab a beer to have a discussion with The King's Dragon and start the quest A Little Favor. (Requires Tea House)
  • Late Night, Elsewhere with your chosen: Southeast of Camelot is "Dragon's Quest" location. Go there. (Note - If you do not see it the location, confirm you have Molly, Bella, and Akane as companions.) Return to Camelot.
  • Late Night, King's Dragon: Have a discussion with your undead dragon. Progresses: A Little Favor

Act VIII, Day 134

  • (Scripted Morning-Evening)
  • Morning, Map: Travel to "Meeting Place" in the far northeast. Progresses: The Grand Alliance. The Gathering. Achievement SMACKDOWN.
  • Talk to Bella. Act VII complete.

Act VIII - Red Devil[]

Act VIII, Day 134

  • Evening: Speeches to the Aesir, Clan, and Fae.

There are THREE choices during your speech when addressing the Aesir, Clan, and Fae respectively. What you chose affects the stat bonus gained.

Gathering Speech Options
Aesir Clan Fae Result
The Only Question Is Growing Up I heard Stories... When the Outsiders are driven out They may think humanity Stand with me Our enemies think themselves clever
X X X STR +5
X X X CHR +5
Any Other Combination has this result --> INT +5
  • Night, Map: Return to Camelot. Completes quest: The Grand Alliance. Military Points +100.
  • Night, Dojo: Train (Bella trains with you). STR+2.

Act VIII, Day 135

Act VIII, Day 136

Act VIII, Day 137

  • (Scripted Morning) Valerie Raine arrives at the court.
  • Evening, Tea House (Akane visible on location chooser): Talk to Akane (Shadow Hunter Lore). Cardback Unlocked: My Mother's Legacy. Akane gains Shadow Hunter abilities on the paths.
  • Night, Tea House (Leave and return - requires Arisune arrival scene, Aino visible on location chooser): The Kitsunes are drinking in the Tea House leading to a scene. Cardback unlocked: Foxy Times

Act VIII, Day 138

  • (Scripted Full Day) Molly has a mission. New Location Open: The Farm.
  • Morning, Map: Go to The Farm. Molly transports to desert. Meet Xochi and Zal. Fight: Poison + Lightning Gems Recommended. Be sure to use Hammertime at least once to get the gem. +Lightning9 gem. Katie out until day 144. Military Points +20.
  • Night, Map: Return to Camelot.

Act VIII, Day 139

  • Morning, Camelot Bedroom: Debriefed by Emily.
  • Morning, Tea House (Aino visible on location chooser): Conversation with two demonfoxes.
  • (Scripted Afternoon-Late Night) Map: Go to Edinburgh. Watch Olivia on IdTV. Date With Emily. Panties. Scene.

Act VIII, Day 140

  • (Scripted Morning) Map: Return to Camelot.
  • Evening, King's Dragon: Talk to Molly. Note - She may be missing from the Location Chooser. Egg Hatches. Name Draco. Achievement Pet Owner. Completes quest A Little Favor.
  • Night, King's Dragon: Talk to Akane. Progresses A Home for the Chosen. New Location Open: Onsen.
  • Night, Onsen: Talk to Akane. (CHR+3 OR STR+3)
  • Night, King's Dragon: Talk to Molly and start next expansion (Dining Room) (-£4000). Progresses A Home for the Chosen. Note - If you do not have sufficient funds you will not see the option to purchase the next expansion.
  • Night, Starcucks: Talk to Jenny. She wants to help and asks about Pendragon Enterprises. Read.
  • Late Night, Computer/Demonfox: See what they are saying about Katie online.
    • Act VIII, Day 140+ - [NOTE]Great Hall. Talking to Emily. She informs you of anonymous donations to Pendragon Enterprises. (Requires FOR_THE_LORD1, which is triggered by talking to Jenny)

Act VIII, Day 141

  • (Scripted Morning) Aoife, Keira, and Keith audience.
  • Evening, Great Hall: Kingdom Events:
  • Evening, Tea House (Aino visible on location chooser): Talk to Aino and Akane (CHR+2)
  • Night, King's Dragon: Talk to Molly to start quest "The Mystery of the Missing Panties"
  • Night, Elsewhere: Take only Emily to Elsewhere. Go to 'Supply Cache' to the northeast. Talk or fight. Chose whatever gems you need to fill out (you will get a full set of Ice, Fire, Lighting, Poison, or a mixed set of Rage/Cluster gems.) Gain gem: Winterstorm. Complete quest: Treasure Hunt. +50RP or +70RP (depending on whether or not you have STR 50). Achievement: Heart of Ice
  • Late Night, Tea House (Draco must be present - random): Talk to Draco. This step is doable anytime Draco is present in the Tea House, but it consumes time so LATE NIGHT is best. Draco may not be visible on location chooser, so you have to visit to check. If he isn't there, try again another day. Gain Achievement Pervert.

Act VIII, Day 142

  • (Scripted Morning) American Ambassador arrives in Camelot. Val & Aoife join audience (Keith is missing). (STR+2 or CHR+2 or INT+2) Starts weekly Grand Alliance meeting sequence.
  • Evening, Great Hall (leave/return): Talk to Emily. +100 RP.
  • Evening, Great Hall: Kingdom Events:
  • Evening, King's Dragon (No indication on location chooser): Talk to Keith about Keira.
  • Night, Elsewhere: Visit Gem Gem Collector on the paths. Buy him out, then choose "Sure, what have you got?" He will suggest you come back later. Progresses A World Apart.
  • Night. Computer/Facial: Call Jenny for a scene.

Act VIII, Day 143

  • Morning, Camelot Bedroom: Emily conversation.
  • Morning, Camelot Library: Conversation with Dylan & Xochi - Dylan Gains Refresh ability on paths. Xochi stays in library.
  • Evening, Starcucks: Talk to Jenny. Get her address. Read.
  • Night, Computer/Demonfox: Buy the riding crop. (-£200)
  • Night. Crowley. Drink. "You spot Adrian..."

Act VIII, Day 144

  • (Scripted Morning) Emily wakes you up to see the recovered Katie.
  • Map: Go to Lancaster. Scene. Katie returns as a companion getting a new passive ability boost 'Fire Mastery' (doubles foe's applied fire damage) on the paths, as well as shared immunity to fire damage.
  • Evening: Open.
  • Night, Onsen: Soak in the Onsen. Akane Onsen Scene. CHR+3

Act VIII, Day 145

  • (Scripted Morning-Evening) [Note] If you have followed Warthog go Brrrrpt as a priority, this is the earliest Molly and Bella will wake you for this event. If not, this will come later. Map: Go to The Farm. Go to the desert. Watch A10. Fight (Rage/Cluster gem set recommended. Greg and Bella on damage. Keep Barrier up.) Military Points +10. Progresses Quest Warthog go Brrrrpt.
  • Night - Edinburgh Bedroom Only, Computer/Facial. Call Jenny for a scene. Achievement: Collared. Cardback unlocked: Collared.

Act VIII, Day 146

  • (Scripted Morning-Evening) (NOTE - This happens the first Morning you visit the Great Hall after the Warthog fight.) Meet American Ambassador to discuss Warthog trial (Consumes time). Completes "Warthog go Brrrrpt". Military Points +20.
  • Evening, Great Hall (leave/return): Talk to Emily. She tells you about donations.
  • Evening, Tea House (Xochi visible on location chooser): Vision lore event.
  • Night, Onsen: Soak in the Onsen (needed to enable later Onsen scenes). CHR+1

Act VIII, Day 147

  • Morning, King's Dragon (Akane visible on location chooser): Fourth expansion to KD completes. Completes quest A Home for the Chosen.
  • Morning, Dining Room (access from the Tea Room): Go to KD dining room for initial dialog with Akane.
  • Morning, Elsewhere: Talk to Gem Collector. Gain Gem: Winterking. Completes quest A World Apart.
  • Morning: Open.
  • Evening, Great Hall: Emily Onsen dialog.
  • Evening, Onsen (Emily visible in location chooser): Emily scene. Card Back Unlocked: SkinnyDipping.
  • Night, King's Dragon: Grab a beer and have a discussion with Val (needed for Val Onsen scenelet).

Act VIII, Day 148

  • Morning, Edinburgh Library: Talk to Adrian. "You wouldn't happen to have any more True Flawless gems?" Purchase True Flawless Ice gem (-£1000).
  • Morning: Open.
  • Evening, Onsen (Requires Onsen, Xochi Vision lore event): Xochi scene in the Onsen. Cardback unlocked: The goddess of love and beauty, and prostitutes.
  • Night, Onsen (Val is visible on location chooser): Join Val for a small scene and wing lore. Cardback Unlocked: Wings of Glory.

Act VIII, Day 149

  • Morning - (WEEKLY Grand Alliance meeting): Molly wakes you for the weekly meeting in a secretary outfit leading to an optional corporate roleplay scene (and Cardback: Your Private Secretary).
  • (Scripted Morning) Audience with American Ambassador, Aoife, Val, and Keith. Decision on Outsider or Cultist path. You can choose either - delaying events on one path or the other by a week. This is a choice between Scylla and Charybdis:
    • If you chose Cultists(Dresden) first - The Outsiders will decimate the military fighting them, but you will save many civilians in Dresden.
    • If you chose the Outsiders first - The Cultists will wipe out the citizens in Dresden, but military loses will be much smaller.
  • Evening, Great Hall (leave and return): Talk to Emily (+300 RP - Requires Warthog go Brrrrpt completed). Kingdom Events:
  • Evening, Round Table (Keith visible on location chooser): Keith and Keira Event (does not advance time). (Note - Only available until day 167)
  • Evening: Open.
  • Night, Teahouse (Keith visible on location chooser): Keith and Keira Event (advances time). Cardback Unlocked: Those of us left Behind.

Act VIII, Day 150

  • Morning-Night: Open.

Act VIII, Day 151

  • (Scripted Full Day) Choice of +1 STR or +1 INT. Snowdrop warns of Cultist Army Attack. Epic battle. Military Points +50. Starts quest 'Payback.' Act VIII complete.

Act IX - The Army of Life[]

Act IX, Day 151

  • (Scripted Night) Post battle wrap up and scene

Act IX, Day 152

  • (Scripted Full Day) Attack on Pendragon Enterprises Systems.

Act IX, Day 153

  • Morning: Open
  • Evening, Elsewhere: Take Katie to the "Staging Area" far to the southwest, Optional daemon fight (opponents are immune to fire and have first strike). Progresses Quest: Payback.
  • Night, Camelot Bathroom: Shower. Private Snowdrop reporting for duty! Begins Quest: In Alis Vicimus.

Act IX, Day 154

  • Morning: You notice a drain over the link to Bella.
  • Morning: Open.
  • Evening, Elsewhere: Take Katie to the first Daemon Fortress to the far north. Clear it.
  • Night, King's Dragon (Requires Dining Room - Aoife is shown in location chooser): Talk to Aoife for a bit of lore, dinner and a show. Cardback Unlocked: Dinner for Two.

Act IX, Day 155

  • (Scripted Morning) Bella needs to see you (Meet Changer Guard). Military Points +10.
  • Evening: Open.
  • Night, Onsen: Soak in the Onsen for an Akane scene.

Act IX, Day 156

  • (Scripted Morning) (WEEKLY Grand Alliance meeting) Val, Aoife, Keith, Ambassador.
    • Morning - Dresden Path: Followup meeting with Chosen and Emily. Akane given 1 week.
    • Morning - Outsider Path: Followup meeting with Chosen and Emily. Akane given 2 weeks.
  • Evening, Great Hall (leave and return): Talk to Emily +120RP. Military Points +20. Kingdom Events:
  • Evening, King's Dragon: Talk to Molly (Requires Onsen). Intro for Onsen Party.
  • Evening, Dining Room: Talk to Akane for a scene helping her put her glassware away, then have dinner. Select the California Maki. CHR+1
  • Night, Camelot Bathroom: Shower. Captain Snowdrop reporting for duty! Begins Quest: In Alis Vicimus.

Act IX, Day 157

  • (Scripted Morning) Conversation with Dylan, Matthew, Zenia, Hannah - bonding of The Brotherhood
  • Evening, Round Table: Talk to Zenia. Quest started: A Matter of Supply.
  • Evening, King's Dragon (Katie visible on location chooser): Talk to Katie to kick off the Onsen Party (Requires Intro for Onsen Party). Cardback Unlocked: Onsen Party

Act IX, Day 158

  • Morning, Bedroom: Discussion with Emily on upcoming wedding.
  • Morning: Open.
  • Evening, Elsewhere: Take Katie to the second Daemon Fortress to the far north. Clear it.
  • Night, Camelot Bathroom: Shower. General Snowdrop reporting for duty! Begins Quest: In Alis Vicimus.

Act IX, Day 159

  • Morning, King's Dragon (Dylan visible on location chooser - Requires Dojo): Talk to Dylan and Hannah, meet Fiadh.
  • (Scripted Evening-Late Night) Bella finds you. Stag party.

Act IX, Day 160

  • (Scripted full day) Getting married (again).
  • Morning, Map: Go to Edinburgh. Bring Jannice to Camelot. Card Back Unlocked: I Do
  • Night, Great Hall: Ceremony. Talk to Molly. Conversations.
  • Late Night, Camelot Bedroom: Talk to Emily, Wedding Night Scene

Act IX, Day 161

Act IX, Day 162

Act IX, Day 163

  • Morning - Molly wakes you for the weekly meeting in a secretary outfit leading to an optional corporate roleplay scene.
  • [Dresden Path] (Scripted Morning-Evening) Planning of Dresden and backup assault (Ambassador, Aoife, Val, Keith, Emily, Molly). Knights of the Lake meeting (Emily, Katie, Molly, Akane, Bella).
  • [Outsider Path] (Scripted Morning-Evening) Planning to hit Outsiders on the Southern Border in 3 days. (Ambassador, Aoife, Val, Keith)
  • Evening, Great Hall (Leave and return): Talk to Emily +120 RP.
  • Evening, Elsewhere: Take Katie to the third Daemon Fortress far to the northeast. Clear it.
  • Night: Open

>> Note: For Days 164-180, the Dresden Path and Outsider Path are presented sequentially each day, with the Outsider Path in italics. See TABLE formatted sequence below (following Day 180) if preferred,

Act IX, Day 164 [Dresden path]

  • (Scripted Morning-Evening) Talk with Emily. Map: Go to Edinburgh. Lunch with Akane. Talk with Cambion.
  • Evening, Crowley Basement: Talk with Bella. Meet the Fixers.
  • Night, Map: Go to Camelot. Open.

Act IX, Day 164 [Outsider path]

Act IX, Day 165 [Dresden Path]

Act IX, Day 165 [Outsider Path]

  • Morning, Dojo: Train with Draco [DRACO 3]
  • Evening, Dojo: Train with Draco [DRACO 4]
  • Night, Dojo: Train with Draco [DRACO 5]

Act IX, Day 166 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Talk to Emily. Opening of the attack on Dresden

Act IX, Day 166 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Talk to Emily. Gathering at Stonehenge for the attack on Corpus Christi.

Act X - Destroyer of Hope[]

Note 2: See TABLE formatted Act sequence below if preferred
Act X, Day 166 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Evening-Late Night) Drop into Dresden. Ammit battle. Choice: STR+2 or INT+2. Return to Camelot with Chosen. Emily Scene. Military Points +20.

Act X, Day 166 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning-Late Night) Houston Cinematics. Outsider battle. Military Points +20.

Act X, Day 167 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Great Hall: Talk to Katie and Emily. <Katie's perspective>: Zurich. Betrayal.
  • Evening, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 3]
  • Night, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 4]
  • Late Night. Computer DxP: Buy Emily's lingerie. (-£150 ) (Leads to a night scene, 1+ day after purchase, Camelot bedroom.)

Act X, Day 167 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Great Hall: Meet with Emissaries in Great Hall. Discussion of Houston findings. (+200 RP)
  • Evening, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 6]. Progresses Quest: Natural Born Killer. Draco is ready for another run on the Paths.
  • Night, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 7].
  • Late Night. Computer DxP: Buy Emily's lingerie. (-£150 ) (Leads to a night scene, 1+ day after purchase, Camelot bedroom.)

Act X, Day 168 [Dresden Path]

  • Morning <Katie's perspective>: Bellanoch Icebox. Squeezing The Fixers.
  • Morning, Great Hall: Kingdom Events:
    • Check Result on KE: Daemon Supply Cache. (There is an MP Check at this point. You must have 320+ to pass)
    • MP Check PASS: "We faced some resistance...Our troops swept them aside easily enough."
    • MP Check FAIL: "Sadly the Daemons were prepared for us...casualties."
    • Choice of +200 RP, +50 MP, or +£2000 either way. (Recommend RP to enable Barricade II and Emily's upcoming Supply Cache KEs)
    • Check result on Anton's KE: Toxic Shock. Gem Gained: ToxicShock. Achievement: Toxic Workplace. (NOTE: Anton is now available for KE Barricade II, but you may not have enough RP to start it (500 needed).)
  • Morning: Open.
  • Evening, Dojo: Train with Draco (Draco 5).
  • Night, Dojo. Train with Draco (Draco 6). Progresses Quest: Natural Born Killer. Draco is ready for another run on the Paths.

Act X, Day 168 [Outsider Path]

  • Morning, Great Hall: Kingdom Events:
    • Check Result on KE: Daemon Supply Cache. (There is an MP Check at this point. You must have 320+ to pass)
    • MP Check PASS: "We faced some resistance...Our troops swept them aside easily enough."
    • MP Check FAIL: "Sadly the Daemons were prepared for us...casualties."
    • Choice of +200 RP, +50 MP, or +£2000 either way. (Recommend RP to enable Barricade II and Emily's upcoming Supply Cache KEs)
    • Check Result on Anton's KE Toxic Shock. Gem Gained: ToxicShock. Achievement: Toxic Workplace.
  • Morning, King's Dragon: Take Draco hunting again (optional Defiler fight). Progresses: Natural Born Killer.
  • Evening, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 8]
  • Night, Camelot Bedroom (Emily visible on location chooser, 1+ day after purchasing Emily Lingerie/Bodysuit): Emily Modeling Scene. Card Back Unlocked: Not So Innocent

Act X, Day 169 [Dresden Path]

  • Morning, <Katie's perspective>: Starcucks.
  • Morning, King's Dragon: Take Draco hunting again (optional Defiler fight). Progresses Quest: Natural Born Killer.
  • Evening, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 7]
  • Night, Camelot Bedroom (Emily visible on location chooser, 1+ day after purchasing Emily Lingerie/Bodysuit): Emily Scene. Card Back Unlocked: Not So Innocent.

Act X, Day 169 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) talk to Emily. Opening of the attack on Dresden
  • (Scripted Evening-Night) Drop into Dresden. Ammit battle. Choice: STR+2 or INT+2 Return to Camelot with Chosen. Emily Scene. Military Points +20)

Act X, Day 170 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Great Hall: Weekly Alliance Meeting.
  • Evening. Great Hall (leave and return): Talk to Emily (RP +120). Kingdom Events:
  • Evening, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 8]
  • Night, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 9]
  • Late Night, Computer/DxP: Buy gift wrap for Molly (-£250). Card Back Unlocked: Giftwrapped.

Act X, Day 170 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Great Hall: Talk to Katie and Emily. <Katie's perspective>: Zurich. Betrayal.
  • Evening. Great Hall. Talk to Emily (RP +120). Kingdom Events:
  • Evening, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 9]
  • Night, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 10]
  • Late Night, Computer/DxP: Buy gift wrap for Molly (-£250). Card Back Unlocked: Giftwrapped.

Act X, Day 171 [Dresden Path]

Act X, Day 171 [Outsider Path]

  • Morning <Katie's perspective>: Bellanoch Icebox. Squeezing the fixers.
  • Morning, Round Table: Talk to Zenia. Enables Emily's KE: Remote Daemon Supply Cache. Progresses Quest: A Matter of Supply.
  • Morning, Dojo: Train with Draco [Draco 11]
  • Evening, Dojo: Train with Draco (This will upgrade his attack on the paths) [Draco 12]
  • Night, Merlin's Tower: Talk to Merlin about Black Sun.
  • Late Night, Dojo (leave and return): Molly modeling event.

Act X, Day 172 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Emily conversation opening up Katie scene when MC next heads to Lancaster.
  • Evening-Night, Lancaster: Katie scene. <Katie's perspective> (Requires Bottle of Whisky from Chloe). CHR+1. Completes Quest: Lancaster (Note - Scene may occur at end of visit when you are leaving.)
  • Late Night, Map: Return to Camelot.

Act X, Day 172 [Outsider Path]

  • Morning <Katie's perspective>: Edinburgh. Starcucks.
  • Morning, Elsewhere: Take Draco on the Paths and talk to him at a rest. Completes: Natural Born Killer. (Note - The quest completion notification may be hidden while you are still in Elsewhere. Confirm it is removed from your quest list later if needed.)
  • Evening: Open
  • Night, Camelot Bathroom: Shower. Field Marshal Snowdrop reporting for duty! Completes Quest: In Alis Vicimus.

Act X, Day 173 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Full Day) Houston Cinematics. Outsider battle. Military Points +20.

Act X, Day 173 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Great Hall: Weekly Alliance Meeting.
  • Evening-Night: Open.

Act X, Day 174 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Great Hall: Talk to Fia. Meet with Emissaries in Great Hall. Discussion of Houston findings. (+200 RP)
  • Evening: Open.
  • Night, Dojo: Train with Draco (Draco 12) - This will upgrade his attack on the paths.

Act X, Day 174 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Map: Go to The Farm. <Katie's perspective>: Bellanoch. Funeral.
  • Evening-Night: Open.

Act X, Day 175 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Great Hall: Emily & Katie conversation.
  • Evening, Dining Room: Have a Meal for Akane exploration scene. Achievement: Kiss the Chef.
  • Night, Merlin's Tower: Talk to Merlin about Black Sun.

Act X, Day 175 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Emily conversation opening up Katie scene when MC next heads to Lancaster.
  • Evening-Night, Lancaster: Katie scene. <Katie's perspective> (Requires Bottle of Whisky from Chloe). CHR+1. Completes Quest: Lancaster (Note - Scene may occur at end of visit when you are leaving.)
  • Late Night, Map: Return to Camelot.

Act X, Day 176 [Dresden path]

  • Morning <Katie's Perspective>: Elsewhere discussion with Torman.
  • Morning, Great Hall: Kingdom Events:
  • Morning, Elsewhere: Take Draco on the Paths and talk to him at a rest. Completes: Natural Born Killer. (Note - The quest completion notification may be hidden while you are still in Elsewhere. You can confirm it is removed from your quest list later if needed.)
  • Evening: Open
  • Night, Camelot Bathroom: Shower. Field Marshal Snowdrop reporting for duty! Completes Quest: In Alis Vicimus.

Act X, Day 176 [Outsider Path]

Act X, Day 177 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Audience with Katie in the Great Hall.
  • Evening, Great Hall (leave and return): Talk to Emily (+120 RP)
  • Evening-Night: Open.

Act X, Day 177 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Emily & Katie conversation in the Great Hall.
  • Evening, Great Hall (leave and return): Talk to Emily (+120 RP).
  • Evening-Night. Open.

Act X, Day 178 [Dresden Path]

Act X, Day 178 [Outsider Path]

Act X, Day 179 [Dresden Path]

  • (Scripted Morning-Evening) <Katie's perspective>: Eguisheim & Friedrich de Vinzgau
  • Night: Open

Act X, Day 179 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning) Audience with Katie in the Great Hall.
  • Evening-Night. Open

Act X, Day 180 [Dresden Path]

  • Morning-Night. Open.

Act X, Day 180 [Outsider Path]

  • (Scripted Morning-Evening) <Katie's perspective>: Eguisheim & Friedrich de Vinzgau.
  • Night: Open.

Dresden/Texas Table[]

There are TWO paths you can be on Dresden/Cultists and Texas/Outsiders (decided in Act VIII, Day 149). All major content is visible either way. Dialog and casualties change accordingly. Your path does not have long term game impact.

Events in the table below that are scripted/required are in italics.

Day Morning Evening Night Late


Talk with Emily. Map: Go to Edinburgh. Lunch with Akane. Talk with Cambion. Crowley Basement: Talk with Bella. Meet the Fixers. Map: Go to Camelot.


Not Available


King's Dragon: Meet Molly, Bella and Draco to take him hunting. Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 1) Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 2)


Talk to Emily. Opening of the attack on Dresden. Drop into Dresden. Ammit battle. Choice: STR+2 or INT+2. Return to Camelot with Chosen. Military Points +20.

Emily Scene.

Not Available


<Katie's perspective> Zurich. Betrayal. Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 3) Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 4) Computer/DxP: buy Emily's lingerie.


<Katie's perspective> Bellanoch Icebox. Squeezing The Fixers.

Great Hall, Kingdom Events: Complete Toxic Shock. Gem Gained: ToxicShock.

Great Hall, Kingdom Events: Complete Daemon Supply Cache. Choose +200 RP.


Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 5) Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 6). Draco is ready for another run on the Paths.


<Katie's perspective> Edinburgh. Starcucks.

King's Dragon: Take Draco hunting again (optional Defiler fight).

Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 7) Camelot Bedroom: Emily scene.


Weekly Alliance Meeting. Great Hall (leave and return): Talk to Emily +120RP

Kingdom Events: Start Barricade II.

Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 8)

Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 9) Computer/DxP: Buy Giftwrapping for Molly (-£250).


<Katie's perspective> Bellanoch: Funeral. Round Table: Talk to Zenia

Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 10)

Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 11) Dojo (leave and return): Molly modeling event.


Emily conversation opening up Katie scene when MC next heads to Lancaster (assuming you bought the bottle for Katie in the quest 'Lancaster') Lancaster: Katie Scene. CHR+1. (Note - Scene may occur at end of visit when you are leaving.) Not Available Not Available


Houston Cinematics. Outsider battle. Military Points +20. Not Available Not Available Not Available


Talk to Fia and Meet with Emissaries in Great Hall. Discussion of Houston findings. (+200 RP) Open. Train with Draco (Draco 12). This will upgrade his attack on the paths.


Emily & Katie conversation in the Great Hall. Dining Room: Have a Meal for Akane exploration scene. Merlin's Tower: Talk to Merlin about Black Sun.


<Katie's Perspective> Elsewhere: discussion with Torman.

Great Hall, Kingdom Events: Start Remote Daemon Supply Cache.

Elsewhere: Take Draco on the Paths and talk to him at a rest. Completes: Natural Born Killer.

Open Camelot Bathroom: Shower. Field Marshal Snowdrop reporting for duty!


Audience with Katie in the Great Hall. Great Hall (leave and return): Talk to Emily (+120 RP)




Round Table. Talk to Zenia.


Open Open


<Katie's perspective> Eguisheim & Friedrich de Vinzgau Not Available Open.


Open Open Open
Day Morning Evening Night Late


King's Dragon: Meet Molly, Bella and Draco at the King's Dragon to take him hunting. Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 1) Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 2)


Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 3) Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 4) Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 5)


Talk to Emily. Gathering at Stonehenge for the attack on Corpus Christi. Houston Cinematics. Outsider battle. Military Points +20. Not Available Not Available


Meet with Emissaries in Great Hall. Discussion of Houston findings. (+200 RP) Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 6) - Ready to go again! Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 7) Computer/DxP - buy Emily's lingerie.


Great Hall, Kingdom Events: Complete Toxic Shock. Gem Gained: ToxicShock.

Great Hall, Kingdom Events: Complete Daemon Supply Cache. Choose +200 RP.

King's Dragon: Take Draco hunting again (optional Defiler fight).

Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 8) Camelot Bedroom - Emily scene. Not Available


Talk to Emily. Opening of the attack on Dresden. Drop into Dresden. Ammit battle. Choice: STR+2 or INT+2. Return to Camelot with Chosen. Military Points +20.

Emily Scene.

Not Available


<Katie's perspective> Zurich. Betrayal. Great Hall: Talk to Emily +120RP

Kingdom Events: Start Barricade II.

Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 9)

Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 10) Computer/DxP: Buy Giftwrapping for Molly (-£250).


<Katie's perspective> Bellanoch Icebox. Squeezing the fixers.

Round Table: Talk to Zenia

Dojo: Train with Draco (DRACO 11)

Dojo: Train with Draco (Draco 12). This will upgrade his attack on the paths. Merlin's Tower: Talk to Merlin about the Black Sun Dojo (leave and return): Molly modeling event


<Katie's perspective> Edinburgh. Starcucks.

Elsewhere: Take Draco on the Paths and talk to him at a rest. Completes: Natural Born Killer.

Open Camelot Bathroom: Shower. Field Marshal Snowdrop reporting for duty!


Weekly Alliance Meeting. Open Open


<Katie's perspective> Bellanoch. Funeral. Open Open


Emily conversation opening up Katie scene when MC next heads to Lancaster (assuming you bought the bottle for Katie in the quest 'Lancaster') Lancaster: Katie Scene. CHR+1. (Note - Scene may occur at end of visit when you are leaving.) Not Available Not Available


Great Hall, Kingdom Events: Start Remote Daemon Supply Cache.


Dining Room: Have a Meal for Akane exploration scene. Open


Emily & Katie conversation in the Great Hall. Great Hall (leave and return: Talk to Emily. (RP +120).




<Katie's Perspective> Elsewhere discussion with Torman.

Round Table: Talk to Zenia.


Open Open


Audience with Katie in the Great Hall. Open Open


<Katie's perspective> Eguisheim & Friedrich de Vinzgau Not Available Open

Act X, Day 181

  • Morning, Great Hall: Kingdom Events:
    • Check Result on Emily's KE Remote Daemon Supply Cache. (There is an MP Check at this point. You must have 500+ to pass)
    • MP Check PASS: "We faced some resistance...avoided serious casualties"
    • MP Check FAIL: "We faced fierce resistance...a number of our soldiers did not return."
    • Choice of +200 RP, +50 MP, or +£2000 either way. (Whatever you need. Recommend 50 MP to pass future MP check.)
    • Check Result on Anton's KE Barricade II. Military Points +30.
  • Morning-Night. Open.

Act X, Day 182

  • (Scripted Full Day) Emily lets you know Bella is looking for you regarding Katie. Map: Go to Lancaster. Katie & Bella Scene. Nimue discussion on the paths. End of Act X. Achievement In Fury Born. Map: Return to Camelot.

Act XI - The Black Sun[]

Act XI, Day 183

  • Morning. Discussion with Emily on Katie, Horned God, and the war.
  • Morning-Night: Open. No Events. Paths. Any Catchup. Reading. Training.

Act XI, Day 184

  • Morning, Great Hall: Meeting with Army of Light. Discuss the Black Sun, Horned God, and Orbital Penetrators.
  • Evening, Great Hall (leave and return): Talk to Emily (+120 RP). Kingdom Events:
  • Evening, Dining Room: Have a Meal for Akane scene.
  • Night: Open.

Act XI, Day 185

Act XI, Day 186

  • Morning-Night: Open

Act XI, Day 187

  • Morning-Evening: Open
  • Night, King;s Dragon <Katie's Perspective>: Talking to Akane. Kitsune stalk of Robin de Barre.
  • Night: Open.

Act XI, Day 188

  • Morning-Night: Open

Act XI, Day 189

  • Morning-Night: Open

Act XI, Day 190

  • (Scripted Morning) Camelot Bedroom: Molly sends you to meet Schwartzy. Map: Go to Dark Mansion: Learn about the Black Sun. Map: Go to Camelot. Make plans for the Black Sun.
  • Evening-Night: Open

Act XI, Day 191

  • Morning, Camelot Bedroom: Tickler that you only have today and tomorrow to finish anything not completed.
  • Morning, Great Hall: Talk to Emily (RP +120). Kingdom Events:
    • Check Result on Emily's KE Supply Cache in the Deeps. Complete quest: A Matter of Supply. There is an MP Check at this point. (You must have 600+ to pass)
    • MP Check PASS: "It became a running battle...superbly trained soldiers were more than a match for them."
    • MP Check FAIL: "It became a running battle...casualties were high. Very high."
    • Choice of +200 RP, +50 MP, or +£2000 either way. (Whatever you want.)
  • Morning, Tea House: Have Tea. Cherry Blossoms discussion with Akane. CHR+2.
  • Evening: Open.
  • Night, Camelot Bedroom: Return to room for writing.

Act XI, Day 192

  • Morning, Camelot Bedroom: Spend the day with Emily, Molly, Bella, or Katie?
  • Morning-Evening: Open.
  • Night, Camelot Bedroom: Emily Scene.

Act XI, Day 193

  • (Scripted Full Day) Map: Go to Dark Mansion to pickup the second delivery. Map: Go to Camelot and begin Black Sun mission. Card Back Unlocked: I ain't no beast

Act XI, Day 194

Act XI, Day 195 - Friday March 20th, End of Book 2 - Note: 'Rebirth' on the calendar.


Warning: Onion Pixies are deployed at the end of Book 2 and may make you cry.

Act XI+[]

Note: Act XI is the end of Book 2. When you finish Act XI, it will create an "END OF ACT XI" save file. If you load that file the game will continue in a free-roaming mode from day 195. This endless free roam mode is referred to as 'Act+' play.

End Of Act XI

In Act+ play you can continue to complete any quests, gather resources and cash, grind levels, etc. to prepare for Book 3. General recommendations for Book 3

1) Fill out and perfect your Gem set (assuming you haven't)
2) Gather cash. We don't know what might consume it, but cash was extremely important to stockpile after Book 1 for Book 2!
3) Grind levels and stats. Levels make everything easier. Try to get all your levels into at least the 200s, but the higher the better.

Note: When Book 3 comes out, it may be necessary to rename your most current Act+ sav2 file to ACT11.sav2 or execute the debug script 'SilentEndOfAct=11' to update it for Book 3 to read this instead of the old Act11.sav2 file

I really meant...[]

Walkthrough Book 1
Walkthrough Book 3
